Ai HW 1

    I think it will be easy to navigate the panels and tools. However I am not very good at using the anchors, handles, and paths, so that is going to be harder for me to figure out. I do think manipulating the anchor will be easy though because you are just stretching out the shape. I also think it will be difficult to use the color panels and change colors, gradients, and outlines. After figuring out the shapes to use I think it will be easy to align it with other shapes. You could use these tools for a lot of different things such as creating posters, flyers, or social media posts. Something interesting about the video / tools he's using is that there are so many different tools for different functions. There are basically endless possibilities so it is interesting how the user knows how to navigate everything.

    This video starts out with navigating panels and layers. We started learning about layers in the last class however I think that is going to be challenging for me because I don't know how it works quite yet. The next thing he does is creating shapes and filling them. I think this will be easy to use because it really is just copy and pasting and then you just move it around. I also think it will be easy for me to use the text and move the text around in fun ways. These things are used in the same ways of posters, flyers, and social media posts. I think this video is geared more toward digital art because the user does a lot of shapes and manipulating the shapes. He also uses the pen tool as well so I think these things would be used to create abstract digital art.

    In this video the user is trying to make a logo or brand for himself. He uses the feature to shape words and make them into shapes. I think this will be easy to use because it seems like you can just type out what you want it to say and then manipulate the shape. He plays around with the colors and opacity. I think this will be easy to do because it doesn't require a lot of tools and seems simple enough. Something that was interesting about this video is the background making. I think these methods are best used for logos and companies.


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